Friday, February 7, 2014

Examples of people downvoting several unrelated posts of mine at the same time

As a preface: These are not ALL of downvotes I ever get.  They are simply the ones that fit a suspicious pattern which seems like someone deliberately seeks out posts by me to downvote:
  • 2+ posts downvoted at the same exact time or in rapid succession
  • At least one of them is NOT recent even counting updates (in other words, can not be plausibly excused by someone seeing the post on front page)
  • At least one of the older posts has no obvious reason to be linked to another posts (not in the "related" lists, usually different tags). Again, there is no plausible excuse for someone viewing all the posts in the cluster at the same time other than looking for posts of mine to DV.
2014/02/07 - StackOverflow:

-2 5 hours ago TTY in perl, explaination and some 
-2 5 hours ago Perl Module Resource Files
-2 5 hours ago How to get the key associated with a hash reference's 

Were the posts recent?
The posts were all NOT very recent; from 2013/07/29, 2014/01/01 and 2014/01/12. 

Caveats (why would someone downvote some of them): 
  • One of them can arguably be worth downvoting because, while it answers what OP asked for in the question, it doesn't answer what OP actually wanted to ask (but didn't) as per OP's followup comment. 
  • Another one already had a DV. 
Why is the pattern suspicious?
  • The real outlier (2013/07/29) didn't have any obvious excuse to downvote it or even to look at it at the same time as the other 2.
Were any other answers/questions on the same post(s) downvoted?

No. P.S. 2 of them had only 1 answer (mine).


12/28/2013 - SciFi
Q: -2  3 hours ago  Could Harry command snakes, or simply talk to them?
A: -2  3 hours ago  How did Jabba become such a powerful crime lord?

Were the posts recent?

The first one was a day old question. 
The second one was 2 week old answer with *no updates* on that day. 

Caveats (why would someone downvote some of them):  

The first one (a question) already had a DV before

Why is the pattern suspicious?

The second one (an answer) was not only not recent, but arguably not that bad (had 21/0 score before DV). Moreover, it referenced canon instead of being pure speculation. 
As usual, there was no reason to view and thus vote 2 of them simultaneously (different tags and posting times, one answer and one Q).

Were any other answers/questions on the same post(s) downvoted?

01/20/2014 - SciFi
-2 5 hours ago Why is Ender so shocked at the end? (A)

-2 22:18       Was Ender retrovirally altered?     (Q)

Were the posts recent?

No. Latest activity on both posts (before DV) was from 11/2013

Why is the pattern suspicious?
  • Both of them contained my answers from the "same" time - they literally are next to each other in my own answer list (Nov 1 2013 and Nov 2 2013) 
  • The posts weren't URL-linked to each other aside from same tag (see below)
  • None of the OTHER people's posts on these 2 questions were DVed - despite the fact that my answer had canon quotes some other answers did not

Caveats (why would someone downvote some of them):  
  • It could possibly be someone on "downvote all things Ender" streak. That can be easily disproved:
    • If you go down the list of "Ender's Game" tag questions, these 2 posts are separated by other questions. None of the surrounding questions (including 2 questions between these that got DVs) had downvotes recently.
    • None of the OTHER people's posts on these 2 questions were DVed, so hard to attribute it to someone just blasting at Ender's Game posts by topic)
  • One of them was me answering my own question later on.
Were any other answers/questions on the same post(s) downvoted?

  • For the question, both my Q and my own answer were downvoted. Another answer had 3 downvotes, but deserved (the author could not back the assertion up with canon).
  • For the answer, see above. None of the other answers in that post were DVed.

01/23/2014 - SciFi

-2     1 hour ago     downvote     Which SciFi universe has the fastest space ships (hyperspace technology)?
-2     1 hour ago     downvote     What does “Seven” and “nine” mean in “Seven of Nine”?

    First:  Q Asked = Jan 3 '12 at 11:07
            My answer: Jan 3 '12 at 14:40
            Latest edit: Nov 7 '13 at 13:16
            Was it a controvercial answer? No, 31/0 before this downvote
            Were OTHER users' answers or the Q donvoted at the same time? No, the only recent negative rep change for any posters was Pureferret's bounty offerings.

    Second: Asked May 10 '12 at 14:31
            Updates: Nov 24 '13
            Was it a controvercial answer? Possibly, it had 30/3 before the last downvote
            Were OTHER users' answers or the Q donvoted at the same time? No. Actually none who posted an answer had ANY recent votes for that question.

            No clear pattern between the 2 except both were at 30 upvotes and last updated Nov 2013

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